Sunday, 4 September 2011

Scum, blood traitors, mud-bloods, filth.

Today (Saturday) the Holy See issued its response to Eamon Gilmore, Tanaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs over the Cloyne Report and subsequent remarks of Enda Kenny along with votes of censure passed by both the Dail and the Seanad. 

I thought it was a perfectly judged document.  Its tone was the very opposite of Kenny's poisonous rant.  It was measured, fair, accurate, factual, truthful, to the point, specific, short but comprehensive.  You can read it here.

I think the key passage is: 

"It should be noted that, at the time, not only the Church but also the Irish State was engaged in efforts to improve its own legislation on child sexual abuse. To this end, the Irish Government organized an extensive consultation on mandatory reporting in 1996 and, after taking into account the reservations expressed by various professional groups and individuals in civil society – views broadly in line with those expressed by the Congregation – it decided not to introduce mandatory reporting into the Irish legal system. Given that the Irish Government of the day decided not to legislate on the matter, it is difficult to see how Archbishop Storero’s letter to the Irish Bishops, which was issued subsequently, could possibly be construed as having somehow subverted Irish law or undermined the Irish State in its efforts to deal with the problem in question."

When I read that I was reminded of Christ's trial - if I have done something wrong tell me;  if not, why do  you strike me?

And a short time later I watch, with a sick heart, Eamon Gilmore being interviewed.  I have heard many dreadful words coming out of the mouths of politicians over the years, but rarely any as twisted as these.  Remember, we've had the Church's own report, then the Murphy/Cloyne judicial report - a 400 page legal document, then motions passed by the legislature.  We've had Gilmore, former member of the political wing of the Official IRA, demanding that the Vatican issue a "comprehensive response" and having got such a response, what does he say?  He accuses it of being legalistic and technical.  The Vatican has refuted all charges against it so his response is - "it's not about the facts, it's about the children".

You remember that old advice that professors of law give their students?  "If you have the facts on your side, hammer the facts. If you have the law on your side, hammer the law. If you have neither the facts nor the law, hammer the table."  That's precisely what Kenny and Gilmore will be doing over the next few days.

I think we really need to pray for Gilmore's soul - like Pontius Pilate faced with Jesus, he's asking himself "Truth, what is that?".  Gilmore knows the answer and is pretending otherwise and anyone who knows their catechism knows what happens to those guilty of sins against the Holy Spirit such as resisting the known truth.

1 comment:

  1. The response of the Vatican was professional, respectful and studied. Gilmore and Kenny's rants were none of those things. They have made fools of themselves, as future historians will note.
